Today, cosmetic dentistry is more popular than ever. From whitening and shaping to closing spaces and replacing teeth, our dentists have a wide array of tools and techniques at their disposal for improving the look of your smile. A healthy, beautiful smile has both social and health benefits.

Social Benefits

Through cosmetic dentistry, you can get the smile you have always dreamed of. You will be more confident in your smile, increasing your self esteem. A well-aligned, straight, white smile can not only brighten someone’s day, it can attract a lot of positivity toward you.

A better smile can positively impact the way people perceive you and behave with you. Several behavioral studies published indicate that people with bright smiles and attractive physical appearance have a better chance in interviews and have an advantage in social situations. Our dentists have the skill and experience to give you the smile you have always wanted, allowing you to reap the many social benefits that come with it.

Health Benefits

Richmond cosmetic dentistry is not just about aesthetics; it’s also about maintaining healthy teeth and gums. Once your teeth are straightened, reshaped and whitened, you will naturally be motivated to put an increased focus on your dental hygiene to maintain your new beautiful smile.

In addition, a misaligned jaw can result in a variety of troublesome symptoms including severe headaches, neck strain, joint pain and ear problems. When treated to a proper jaw position with neuromuscular dentistry, you will enjoy a more comfortable pain-free life.

If you are ready for the brilliant, healthy smile you’ve always dreamed of, visit West Richmond Family Dentistry online to schedule your appointment.  Our team of dental professionals are happy to answer questions and guide you on the journey to a beautiful smile. We look forward to seeing you soon!